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“威斯尼斯人老品牌官网”神舟九号顺利返航 三名宇航员安全回家


本文摘要:Chinas manned space docking mission between Shenzhou IX spacecraft and Tiangong-1 lab module has achieved a complete success, announced Chang Wanquan, chief commander of Chinas manned space program here Friday.中国载人航天工程总指挥常万全周五宣告,天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会接入任务获得圆满成功。

Chinas manned space docking mission between Shenzhou IX spacecraft and Tiangong-1 lab module has achieved a complete success, announced Chang Wanquan, chief commander of Chinas manned space program here Friday.中国载人航天工程总指挥常万全周五宣告,天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会接入任务获得圆满成功。The Shenzhou IX spacecraft has landed safely at the main landing area in northern Chinas Inner Mongolia autonomous region and all three astronauts aboard are in good physical condition, said Chang. Three astronauts who fulfilled Chinas first manned space docking safely returned to earth on Friday morning.常万全回应,神舟九号飞船返回舱已在内蒙古主着陆场安全性降落,3名航天员身体状况良好。

三名圆满完成中国首次手动太空接入任务的宇航员早已于周五早晨安全性回到地球。The return capsule of Shenzhou IX spacecraft touched down in north Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as planned. Medical staff entered the capsule and reported the astronauts were in good conditions.神舟九号的返回舱已按照预计的计划成功降落于内蒙古自治区。医疗队人员转入返回舱中,报告三名宇航员身体状况良好。

While in the capsule, the astronauts reported to the command center We have returned, and we feel good.在返回舱中,宇航员向指挥中心报告说道:“我们早已回到了,并且身体情况较好。”Jing Haipeng, commander of the Shenzhou IX crew, was the first to come out of the return capsule, followed by Liu Wang and the countrys first woman astronaut Liu Yang.神九指挥员景海鹏第一个从返回舱中走进,刘旺与中国第一位女宇航员刘洋紧随其后。

The three will fly to Beijing after taking physical examinations in ambulance helicopters at the landing site.三人将在身体检查之后,在降落地点乘坐医疗直升机飞抵北京。Chinese leaders including Premier Wen Jiabao, He Guoqiang and Zhou Yongkang arrived at the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center Friday morning to watch the return of Shenzhou IX spacecraft. Chinas Premier Wen Jiabao on Friday delivered a congratulatory note from the central authorities, celebrating the successful landing of the countrys Shenzhou IX spacecraft.总理温家宝,贺国强和周永康等国家领导人在周五早晨到达北京航天飞行中控制中心,观赏了神九迫降的情况。

温家宝总理向中心高层表示祝贺,庆典神舟九号飞船的顺利降落。The central authorities express congratulations to astronauts who successfully completed this mission and all people engaged in the mission, reads the note sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council and the Central Military Commission.飞控中心领导向已完成任务的三位宇航员以及所有参予此次任务的工作人员表示祝贺,并递交了中共中央委员会、国务院以及中央军事委员会的贺信。The successful rendezvous and docking between the target orbiter Tiangong-1 and the Shenzhou IX spacecraft marks a significant breakthrough in Chinas space docking technology, and it also marks decisive progress in fulfilling the second strategic target of Chinas manned space program, reads the note.此次天宫一号与神舟九号宇宙飞船的顺利交会与接入,标志着中国太空接入技术的极大突破,也标志着中国载人航天工程在已完成第二战略目标中决定性的变革。

On June 24, the three Chinese astronauts successfully completed a manual docking between the Shenzhou IX spacecraft and the orbiting Tiangong-1 lab module, the first such attempt in Chinas history of space exploration.在6月24日,三位中国航天员顺利已完成了神舟九号宇宙飞船与天宫一号太空实验室的手动接入,这是中国太空探险历史上的首次尝试。The success of the procedure shows that China has completely grasped space rendezvous and docking technologies and the country is fully capable of transporting humans and cargo to an orbiter in space, which is essential for the countrys plans to build a space station around 2020.这次接入的顺利指出中国早已几乎掌控了太空交会接入技术,并且需要将人与货物送到卫星。







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